intellectual output
Output 1: Survey
Based on a survey in local sign and written languages for three target groups (deaf job seekers, deaf experts and employers/recruiters), the project partners identify the transferable digital skills deaf job seekers need to develop. The results are summarised at country and transnational level in written reports and abstracts in national and international sign languages.
Output 2: “Digital skills tutorials”
“Digital skills tutorials” is a collection of accessible tutorial videos on basic transferable digital skills (e.g. online research, internet security, social media). The videos use sign language, animations with visual images, subtitles and accompanying plain language texts. There is also a collection of sign language vocabulary (with the written word and an image) for complex terms and jargon.
Output 3: “Blended learning training package”
“Blended learning training package” consists of a curriculum, a blended learning training course and an accompanying digital handbook on the subject of transferable digital skills.. Blended learning is a mix of methods using online and digital methods, as well as traditional classroom-based training. The training will be tested by deaf job seekers.
Curriculum for the training course:
The curriculum is a theoretical introduction to the training package and includes the learning objectives.
Handbooks for the training course:
The handbooks include training plans (explaining the implementation of the exercises to trainers), work sheets (for the course participants), a list of complicated vocabulary, as well as assessment questions (to evaluate the knowledge and subjective empowerment gained by the course participants).
Presentations for the training:
There is a presentation for each module, which can used during the training: